Protect Our Police Officers

Support and Protect Our Police

Police Officers are constantly being assaulted. Both physically and emotionally.

There is a draft of a statute that allows police officers to search parolees or those on probation if there is
reasonable suspicion versus probable cause. This proposed change has been lingering in the Legislature
for years. One of the reasons given for not passing this, is that the law would violate the rights of
parolees and those on probation. (Remember Parole and Probation are in lieu of incarceration. There
are restrictions placed on their activity and they are required to live a law-abiding life until released from
their probation/parole)

A high percentage of injuries to police officers are caused by parolees and probationers. (Only 3% of the
population). Passing such a regulation would increase the safety of police officers and the population at
large. It would also help recruitment of police officers.

I want to re-introduce this bill and press to have it passed.